- Created by Edita Markauskaitė, last modified on 2017-09-05
- Check working time - if it past working hours, device might be shown as offline.
- Synchronize application from backend: choose device → more options → Force Sync
- Check internet connection.
- Check device time. See in other paragraph - "Device time checking"
- Restart device: long click on TV remote Power button, until message "TV is shutting down" appears
- Full restart of device. See in other paragraph - "Full restart of device"
- Check internet connection. See in other paragraph - "Internet connection checking"
- Check device time. See in other paragraph - "Device time checking"
- Restart device: long click on TV remote Power button, until message "TV is shutting down" appears
- Full restart of device. See in other paragraph - "Full restart of device"
- On TV remote enter "170" number combination to stop application for 5 minutes
- Click "Home" on TV remote if other screens are showing.
- Choose from apps "Youtube" and click on some video or choose other app which needs internet connectivity.
- If internet connection is failed (or working but device information still doesn`t update) try these methods in suggested order (if one of the steps helped, skip others) :
- Reconnect device to internet with TV remote:
- Go to the bottom of TV's home screen, to "Settings" section and click "OK" on Wi-Fi icon
- Choose Wi-Fi connection, click "OK" on TV remote
- Again click on "Wi-Fi"
- Choose "Off"
- Again click on "Wi-Fi"
- Choose "On"
- Wait while Wi-Fi reconnects to internet or click on known Wi-Fi connection
- Go to the bottom of TV's home screen, to "Settings" section and click "OK" on Wi-Fi icon
- Check device time. See in other paragraph - "Device time checking"
- Restart device: long click on TV remote Power button, until message "TV is shutting down" appears
- Full restart of device. See in other paragraph - "Full restart of device"
- If other methods didn`t helped, try restarting router
- Reconnect device to internet with TV remote:
- On TV remote enter "170" number combination to stop application for 5 minutes
- Click "Home" on TV remote if other screens are showing.
- Choose from apps "Youtube" and click on some video or choose other app which needs internet connectivity.
- If internet connection is failed (or working but device information still doesn`t update) try these methods in suggested order (if one of the steps helped, skip others) :
- Reconnect device to internet: pull out and then reconnect internet cable
- Check device time. See in other paragraph - "Device time checking"
- Restart device: long click on TV remote Power button, until message "TV is shutting down" appears
- Full restart of device. See in other paragraph - "Full restart of device"
- If other methods didn`t helped, try restarting router
- Pull out power cable from power outlet
- Wait for about 30s or more
- Reconnect power cable
- Check device time (necessary!). See in other paragraph - "Device time checking"
Do everything with usage of TV remote
- On TV remote enter "170" number combination to stop application for 5 minutes
- Click "Home" on TV remote if other screens are showing.
- Go to the bottom of TV's home screen, to "Settings" section, click "OK"
- Go down to "System Preferences" section and click "OK" button on "Date & Time" icon
- First try to set "Automatic date & time" to "Use network time". If it shows right date and time, when leave it (it depends on router parameters and etc.). If not, make sure that "Automatic date & time" is set to "Manual" or "Off":
- Click "OK" button on it
- Choose "Off" or "Manual"
- Click "OK" button on it
- Set right date and time. Click on "Date" / "Time" which needed
- Click "OK" button on "Set date" / "Set Time"
- Choose right date/time with usage of TV remote going forward or back and then click "OK" button
- Go back
- Stop application: enter "170" on TV or 5 times click go back button on device
- Go to settings
- Enter pin - 170 and click "Disable"
- Now settings are unlocked. After every application start, need to reenter pin.