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titleDevice is offline in


  1. Check working time -


  1. if it past working hours, device might be shown as offline.
  2. Synchronize


  1. application from backend: choose device → more options →


  1. Force Sync
  2. Check internet connection.


  2. Check device time. See in other paragraph - "Device time checking"
  3. Restart device: long click on TV remote


  1. Power button, until message "TV is shutting down" appears
  2. Full restart of device. See in other paragraph - "Full restart of device"
titleInformation does not updating
  1. Check internet connection. See in other paragraph - "Internet connection checking"
  2. Check device time. See in other paragraph - "Device time checking"
  3. Restart device: long click


  1. on


  1. TV remote Power button, until message "TV is shutting down" appears
  2. Full restart of device. See in other paragraph - "Full restart of device"
titleInternet connection checking
  1. On TV remote enter "170" number combination to stop application for 5 minutes
  2. Click "Home" on TV remote if other screens are showing.
  3. Choose from apps "Youtube" and click on some video or choose other app which needs internet connectivity.
  4. If internet connection is failed (or working but device information still doesn`t update) try these methods in suggested order (if one of the steps helped, skip others) :
    1. Reconnect device to internet with TV remote:
      1. Go to the bottom of TV's home screen, to "Settings" section and click "OK" on Wi-Fi icon
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      2. Choose Wi-Fi connection, click "OK" on TV remote
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      3. Again click on "Wi-Fi"
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      4. Choose "Off"
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      5. Again click on "Wi-Fi"
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      6. Choose "On"
      7. Wait while Wi-Fi reconnects to internet or click on known Wi-Fi connection
    2. Check device time. See in other paragraph - "Device time checking"
    3. Restart device: long click on TV remote Power button, until message "TV is shutting down" appears
    4. Full restart of device. See in other paragraph - "Full restart of device"
    5. If other methods didn`t helped, try restarting router
  1. On TV remote enter "170" number combination to stop application for 5 minutes
  2. Click "Home" on TV remote if other screens are showing.
  3. Choose from apps "Youtube" and click on some video or choose other app which needs internet


  1. connectivity.
  2. If internet connection is failed (or


  1. working but device information still


  1. doesn`t update) try these methods in


  1. suggested order (if


  1. one of the steps helped, skip others) :


      1. Reconnect device to internet:


      1. pull out and then reconnect internet cable
      2. Check device time. See in other paragraph


      1. - "Device time checking"
      2. Restart


      1. device: long click on TV remote


      1. Power button, until message "TV is shutting down" appears
      2. Full restart of device. See in other paragraph


      1. - "Full restart of device"
      2. If


      1. other methods didn`t helped, try


      1. restarting router
    titleFull restart of device
    1. Pull out power cable from power outlet
    2. Wait for


    1. about 30s or more
    2. Reconnect power cable
    3. Check device time (necessary!). See in other paragraph - "Device time checking"
    titleDevice time checking



    Do everything with usage of TV remote

    1. On TV remote enter "170" number combination to stop application for 5 minutes
    2. Click "Home" on TV remote if other screens are showing.
    3. Go to the bottom of TV's home screen, to "Settings" section, click "OK"
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    4. Go down to "System Preferences" section and click "OK" button on "Date & Time" icon
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    5. First try to set "Automatic date & time" to "Use network time". If it shows right date and time, when leave it (it depends on router parameters and etc.). If not, make sure that "Automatic date & time" is set to "Manual" or "Off":
      1. Click "OK" button on it
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      2. Choose "Off" or "Manual"
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    6. Set right date and time. Click on "Date" / "Time" which needed
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    7. Click "OK" button on "Set date" / "Set Time"
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    8. Choose right date/time with usage of TV remote going forward or back and then click "OK" button
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    9. Go back
    titleHow to open Settings
    1. Stop application: enter "170" on TV or 5 times click go back button on device
    2. Go to settings
    3. Enter pin - 170 and click "Disable"
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    4. Now settings are unlocked. After every application start, need to reenter pin.
